“Genesis 3:1. And the snake was crafty above every wild animal of the field that Jehovah God had made; and it said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree of the garden”?’
The snake is used here to mean our senses, which we trust. The wild animal of the field, here as before, means every emotion in our outer self. The woman means selfhood” (Secrets of Heaven 194).
“In Amos:
‘…as if you come into the house and lean your hand on the wall and a snake bites you. Isn’t the day of Jehovah shadow and not light? And isn’t there darkness and not radiance on that day? (5: 19, 20)’
The hand on the wall stands for our independent powers and for confidence in the evidence of our senses. These cause blindness, as described” (Secrets of Heaven 195).
Some emotions of the outer self: worry, anxiety about the future, despair about the way things are. Recognize in moments when these emotions are flaring that there is an alternate perspective to choose: the Lord’s perspective which sees beyond the senses and is not dependent on them. Let go of the confidence we have in our senses. The Lord is always offering a brighter, more true and loving opinion about how things are going, and how it could change.