Meditate | An Inner Lens
Monday, March 21, 2011
New Church Perspective in Alanna Rose, Mcolumn, Meditate

“The lens through which the One represented is to be seen, acknowledged, and believed is that of inner qualities, namely, charity and the faith that springs from it (Secrets of Heaven 922).”

“They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads (Revelation 22:4).”


In meditation my intention is to turn towards the Lord, the sole being in heaven and on earth. What my mind is often focused on instead are my own self-centered preoccupations.  These include, but are not limited to, fears and concerns, plans for the future, what I am going to do about lunch, etc. When they hold my attention I cannot see past them. The hope is that as I recognize and turn away from my limited self, the Lord will give me a new will, but I must take actions to support its growth. When I draw on the qualities of his love, then I see his face. 

Article originally appeared on New Church Perspective (
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