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New Church Perspective (NCP) is a leading source of current and insightful Swedenborgian-influenced and New Christian exploration. It is a web based community that connects people from all over the world, fostering an expanding vision of the Lord and heaven and inspiring direct, individual connection with the Lord and His Word.

NCP is an open space for thoughtfully considered and respectful discourse about the Word, the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, and our lives. We offer weekly content that explores current and relevant ideas. It is a space free from personal attack that allows for the variety of experience, opinion, confirmation, and negativity that occurs in our widening community; it is a collaborative forum for ideas that can be put to use. All contributors are valued.

It is a first concern of NCP that the website be beautiful and organized, with a simple and clear structure. We work to maintain a design that is current, user-friendly, and reflects our priorities as a whole. We welcome your feedback.

We are fully supported by donations, of time and/or money, to meet the needs of running the website sustainably. We appreciate all contributions.

  • The Editorial Staff of NCP does not support, endorse, nor necessarily agree with everything that is published on the website and the content of the articles remains the property of the authors.
  • Discussion of and response to the weekly content are warmly encouraged. We ask that people are respectful of each other, the Bible, and the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg referred to as the Heavenly Doctrines (please see the Comment Guidelines).
  • Permission must be received before republishing any material found on the website and all republished material must be cited as having originally appeared on

Please consider sharing your thoughts by submitting a piece for publication. Very likely you have something on your mind that other people would enjoy hearing about!

Editorial Staff

Brian Smith, Editor-in-Chief
Tania Buss, General Editor
Coleman Glenn, General Editor
Derrick Lumsden, General Editor
Chelsea Odhner, General Editor, Editor of Meditate
Abigail Smith, General Editor
Malcolm Smith, General Editor, Webmaster


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