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Andy Dibb and "The Calling"

In this episode, Pearse interviews the Rev. Dr. Andrew Dibb, Dean of the Bryn Athyn College Theological School, about the calling to the priesthood. Andy describes his own calling to the ministry and discusses the qualities he looks for in a potential candidate. More generally, Pearse and Andy examine the calling someone can feel to any occupation. How do we know what we're supposed to be doing with our lives?

Andy Dibb and the Calling

Reader Comments (1)

This made me feel quite sick and sad every time young man was mentioned. I had a calling at age 7 to be a priest. How and when I realized that it was shunned for a woman to be a priest I do not remember. Is it still my calling, yes, I currently find ways to serve outside of the GC. I can't wait for "the circumstances to change, or the pressure get to intense" and find a door to step through and follow my calling in the General Church communities I love.

October 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle M.Synnestvedt
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