Meditate | Root to Rise

“Deeds inspired by charity are alive. They are said to send roots below and yield fruit above, as in Isaiah: ‘The remaining refugees of Judah’s house will put new root downward and produce fruit upward’ (37:31). To produce fruit upward is to act with charity as motivation” (Secrets of Heaven 348).
Everything living is from the inner self. The inner self is the only thing that lives. Charity, or loving others, is so central. The only source of charity or our love for others is the inner self, our tap root to the Lord. Earlier in this passage it says that “deeds of faith that lack charity are deeds devoid of faith,” and are wholly of the outer self. So we can have “faith,” or some imitation of it in our outer self, but it is not true faith until it is living by way of loving others, which requires a rootedness in our inner self, in the Lord. There is no other way to love others than from our connection with the Lord who supplies our inner self with the flow of that love.
Wondering about the inspiration for this article? Look up the New Church, which is based on the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.

Reader Comments (1)
Thanks Chelsea! I like this. I have been thinking about how the Lord is that useful vibrancy- so well encapsulated by the image of a fruiting plant with roots. Lately I have been picturing the Word in this human form. I want to connect with it, but it seems that the only thing I can do in this regard is to just refuse to participate in what is opposite. I am inclined to follow my negative thoughts and repeat my negative feelings. I have been trying to separate from that effort- to die to those inclinations because I can see them for what they are- rotten unfertilized eggs or something. I trust that the Lord is this form described, but I don't often feel like I participate in that loveliness yet. I guess there is hope over time.