Weird V: Evil Spirits in Your Intestines

There are some strange and far out there passages and descriptions in Swedenborg's Writings. What are we to do with them - embrace them or keep them at arms' length? Todd looks at one of these teachings and offers a way we can use them in developing a fuller New Church outlook. -Editor
It's been a while since my last installment of “Weird.” The original idea behind them is this: perhaps the New Church isn't as weird as it should be. What would the church look like if we actually embraced some of the seemingly weirder teachings in the Heavenly Doctrines? What would happen if we put it on the line: the second coming has already happened, there are beings on other planets, and there are spirits with us that have a profound effect on our thoughts and emotions.
That last one is a biggie in my opinion. All through the Heavenly Doctrines we are told again and again how closely we are connected to other spirits, and how they profoundly influence us. Now I've been through most of the General Church's educational system, and while I heard plenty about the second coming, and occasionally a reference to other worldly beings, there were regrettably few references to the spirits that are with us. I'm starting to think that is because we're not wanting to be that weird. I mean, really, I get it, it sounds 14th century with a crazy green faced witch whose got a big nose chanting “double double toil and trouble” to say, “You know Fred, the reason you're feeling depressed is because you've got some evil spirits with you. They're in your intestines. Sounds like it's time for a colonic and some probiotics.”
But maybe it is the truth. Take a look at this excerpt from Heaven and Hell:
I have been enabled to learn where we get the anxiety, distress of mind, and inward sadness called depression. There are spirits who are not yet united with hell because they are still in their first state. They love half-digested and noxious substances like the foods that are becoming excrement in the stomach, so they attach themselves to the same sort of matter in us, because they find delight in it; and they talk with each other there out of their evil affection. The emotional tone of their conversation flows into us, and since it is contrary to our affection, it brings about a sadness and an anxious depression; while if it agrees with our affection, it brings about a sense of happiness and exhilaration. These spirits can be seen in the neighborhood of the stomach, some on the left and some on the right, some lower and some higher, nearer or farther away-variously depending on the affections they are involved in. A great deal of experience has convinced me that they are the source of our anxiety of spirit. I have seen them, heard them, felt the anxieties that well up from them. I have talked with them, they have been driven off and the anxiety has ceased, they have come back and the anxiety has returned, I have observed its increase and decrease as they drew near and moved away. (299)
Not exactly a pretty picture, but nonetheless it is establishing the concept that our depression doesn't come from our brain. It comes from our gut. Far out? Not really. Modern science is starting to figure this out as well. Take for example this headline from an article posted on September 12, 2013 on the ABC News website: Anxiety In Your Head Could Come From Your Gut. Okay, so it doesn't say “Evil spirits in your gut are causing depression” but it does establish the same origin of the depression.
Feeling depressed? I'd say before spending a fortune with a therapist or putting yourself on mind altering drugs maybe you should at least do some things to get your gut right. Maybe a colon cleanse, or perhaps some probiotics? To me, this is seeing things from a New Church perspective. This is New Church education. Taking the teachings given to us, no matter how weird they may sound at first, and doing something with it. Depression is very common, and I bet many New Church people have sought very mainstream therapies like counseling, prescription drugs and the like...but how many started with or even considered a good colon cleanse? Probably not many.
If you read the article, (which you can find here:, it offers a host of interesting ways that particular bacterias create specific mental health problems. For example, “[autistic children] treated with antibiotics effective against the bacteria clostridia show a decrease in symptoms.” Another example is one where a person is cured of OCD. This is fabulous! Think in terms of different evil societies corresponding to different bacteria that cause different symptoms. It all adds up. The article does bow to convention by giving a good nod to mainstream thinking on depression, which I'm sure will dampen the excitement of some.
That's fine for them, but the New Church should be running with this. In fact, it would be even better if New Church people had been running with this for the past 200+ years and issuing a big, “I told you so!” Because, after all, the New Church is all about being right. Right? Nah, that's not me talking, just some evil spirit with me. =)
Todd Beiswenger
Todd is currently serving as Pastor to the Hurstville New Church, in Sydney Australia. The emphasis of his ministry has been promoting practical teachings for everyday living that combine compassion with personal responsibility to help people be at peace within their own head.
Wondering about the inspiration for this article? Look up the New Church, which is based on the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.