Angels and Little Children
Kurt provides a thought provoking quote about the interaction between little children and the angels around them. The innocence and lack of worldly concerns children experience results in a different relationship than adults have with angels - a different but interesting and applicable thought to ponder during the Christmas season. -Editor.
Dear Parents of Young Children,
I believe in angels. I believe my dear wife was and is an angel now too. And I believe she and other angels are around little children like yours. I believe you can feel angels’ presence radiating through a child’s smiling face and see it sparkling in a child’s eyes. And last Sunday the high pitched voices of two little boys saying the Lord’s Prayer in church in the row in front of me pulled at my heart and brought back tender memories of our own family when they were young, as we knelt together in prayer with them.
Wondering about the inspiration for this article? Look up the New Church, which is based on the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.