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New Church Perspective
is an online magazine with essays and other content published weekly. Our features are from a variety of writers dealing with a variety of topics, all celebrating the understanding and application of New Church ideas. For a list of past features by category or title, visit our archive.

Entries in church (8)


Love Your Neighbor (yep, even those different than you)

Rather than argue her perspective with quotes from scripture, Michelle urges people to listen deeply to each other and maintain a humble and open mind when discussing homosexuality. While certainty remains out of reach, mutual love and respect must inform the search for it. This is the final entry in our July series on homosexuality. -Editor.

I am sure I’m not alone when I say that I’m still trying to balance my view on homosexuality between its modern cultural context and the authority I give the teachings of the New Church. We are probably the majority out there— wishy-washy about what we believe, or too hesitant to say what we actually believe in fear of offending someone. But the truth is, offense has happened. Feelings have been hurt. People have died over this issue. No matter what conclusion people come to, there is discomfort out there around homosexuality and it’s not going anywhere right now.

Here’s the way I see it: it is fairly evident that homosexuality is not completely orderly or within the parameters of “conjugial love”— procreation the obvious example.

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Bryn Athyn Cathedral with Jim Adams

In this episode, Todd and Pearse interview Jim Adams about goings-on at the Bryn Athyn Cathedral--past, present, and future. He describes the recent renovations to the building and the services and tours available to visitors and worshippers. Hear Jim on the Cathedral's new status as a national historic landmark and live streaming of Sunday services. Why will workers soon be drilling 500 feet into the Cathedral hill, not once but 40 times? Find out on this episode!

Bryn Athyn Cathedral with Jim Adams

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