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New Church Perspective
is an online magazine with essays and other content published weekly. Our features are from a variety of writers dealing with a variety of topics, all celebrating the understanding and application of New Church ideas. For a list of past features by category or title, visit our archive.

Entries in doubt (13)


Brian Smith on Doubt part 2

In this episode, Pearse and the Rev. Brian Smith continue their conversation about doubt. They discuss the place of prayer in times of doubt--even when people may doubt the very God to whom they pray. And doubt doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. How can doubt be "the servant, if not the friend of truth"?

Brian Smith on Doubt part 2


Help My Unbelief

Abby examines the role of belief in her life, especially as it relates to life after death. She suggests that in bringing her focus away from a literal interpretation of the Word, and by applying the Word to her inner life, she is better able to connect with a belief in an omnipotent God. This is the third essay in our series on doubt, the opening essay is available here. -Editor

Between reading Jennica’ s article and hearing a sermon about belief I have been thinking a lot about faith, doubt, and what it means to believe in God. How does my belief in God affect my life? How does it change it on a day to day basis? How do I change my life (habits and behaviors) because I believe in God?

I don’t have answers to these questions. I have had some thoughts over the past few weeks that were helpful, but still most of the time I am left wishing that I had more answers. I have some solid rocks that my faith, simple though it seems to me, is built on. One of those rocks is the same as Jennica’ s: marriage, explained by many teachings in the Writings of the New Church. Another is a belief in the life after death that settled in for me after my mom died. I still have questions about both of these, but I also feel calm and sure in the essentials of these beliefs.

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Brian Smith on Doubt part 1

We interview the Rev. Brian Smith about doubt. Is it really necessary? It seems counterintuitive that often-painful times of doubt and despair can serve to build our faith, and yet Brian describes three ways doubt can help us. This is a first for us, a two part episode. Tune in next week for Part II!

Brian Smith on Doubt


I Doubt It

As a bonus entry in our series on doubt, Owen offers an almost poetic exploration of tensions and conflict inherent in doubt. Previously in an essay called "The Atheist Perspective", Owen shared thoughts on the tough questions a theistic thinker must consider about disbelief and atheism. -Editor

I love doubt. Doubt makes things that are not real, real. Doubt is also the reason for the most painful times of my life. I hate doubt because it separates me from God.

Do I love doubt, or do I hate doubt? Does it matter? Of course it matters. Of course it doesn’t matter. Too many questions. Too many more answers.

Honestly, I love doubt inside myself and hate it inside those I feel apart from. That last statement was true, except for the first part.

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True Story

Can anyone be certain that what they believe is empirically true? Is a belief simply a narrative, a fabrication, to contextualize innumerable experiences? Kristin pursues these questions. She hopes that this article be received in the spirit it is shared: as supportive of those pursuing religious faith, but not inviting a heated debate. This is the second essay in our series on doubt. Look for the previous essay [here] and for the following essay [here]. -Editor

I don’t feel much pressure to stifle all doubt when it comes to my belief in God. In fact, my community has been very supportive of doubt as a useful step in the process, leading (hopefully) to a fuller and more personal faith. The area I more often feel pressure in is the burden of intellectual honesty. It’s been suggested to me that some people might come to their belief in God because of a kind of intellectual negligence, or because they are choosing a belief system that seems comfortable and safe, rather than true. Believers may be unwilling to be as rigorous with themselves as they could be, because there is a conflict of interest. Why engage with a painful, messy, violent re-evaluation of your beliefs when you are blessed with the sense that everything happens for a reason, you are being well taken care of, and that everything in the end is going to be okay?

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The Trinity, Doubt and Peace

In this episode, the Rev. Dr. Andy Dibb describes his religious upbringing and concept of God. Influenced both by his New Church mother and Anglican schools, he came away with conflicting ideas. Was God a trinity or unity of Persons? Andy later found resolution and peace in the idea of a single, loving, Human God. Andy discusses the impact a person's view of God has on the rest of his or her life. With that in mind, how does one discuss religion with an atheist or agnostic?

The Trinity, Doubt and Peace