Knowing How Others Feel
Ted underlines that as we walk through life we must be sensitive and receptive to what others are feeling. This conscious sharing of their experience can lead to an honest understanding of their situation, permitting us to serve them more effectively. -Editor
We can think of ourselves as walking through life with others. In many situations we can enter into the feelings of an other, know much of what they are feeling, and be guided by that knowledge in response to them. A recent example for me was a phone call from a friend. She had just learned that a close friend of hers had died suddenly. I heard and felt her pain, shock, and sadness. I expressed shock and sadness and just tried to hear her feelings. I think back on that conversation as an example of really knowing how another was feeling.
Wondering about the inspiration for this article? Look up the New Church, which is based on the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.