Editor's Box | Theme Series on Doubt

During April we are running our first themed series. We take an article from an author, in this case Jennica Nobre, as a lead article and then ask other writers to respond to it in whatever way they like.
Discussing doubt can be challenging and uncomfortable, but because it personally effects so many of us, it may be a very useful conversation to have. Doubts and confusion seem to be an inevitable part of the path for people looking to experience the divine and to follow His will. Each of us also has to navigate the tensions and heartache around diverging beliefs and practices amongst friends and family. We would like to provide a safe space for dialogue on these issues.
New Church Perspective assumes that most readers and writers come from a place of desiring contact with the divine -- however unclear they may be about His power, presence or reality. Like George Harrison sings "I really want to see you... Lord, but it takes so long, my Lord."
Please join the conversation in the comment lines.
In addition to several weekly articles, Chapmancast and our mixed media feature each plan to address the subject.
|April 1| Essay 1: Why I Believe by Jennica Nobre.
|April 6| Chapmancast 1: Trinity, Doubt and Peace an interview with Rev. Andy Dibb.
|April 8| Essay 2: True Story by Kristin Coffin.
|April 13| Bonus Feature: I Doubt It by Owen Schnarr
|April 14| Chapmancast 2: Doubt Part 1 an interview with Rev. Brian Smith.
|April 15| Essay 3: Help My Unbelief by Abby Smith.
|April 20| Chapmancast 3: Doubt Part 2 an interview with Rev. Brian Smith.
|April 21| Mixed Media Feature: Hollow Me by Stephanie King
|April 22| Essay 4: The Uneasy Alliance of Faith and Doubt by Brian Smith.
(It turns out that the April issue of New Church Connection magazine is also on the topic of doubt.)
Please use this as an opportunity to invite new readers to the discussion via email or through promotion on facebook.
Wondering about the inspiration for this article? Look up the New Church, which is based on the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.
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